Options are boxes that might be full
Let’s say you’ve decided to start a lottery. It’s a very simple lottery:
- You buy a ticket for $1 that tells you if you win or lose.
- If you lose, your $1 goes into the prize pool.
- If you win, you win the entirety of the prize pool.
Let’s begin coding. First, we set some variables that contain the initial value of the prize pool, the chance of winning, and the amount of games to be simulated.
let pool = 0;const chance = 0.1;const games = 10000;
Then we make a function that updates the prize pool and dispenses a ticket, which is a number if you won, or undefined
if you lost.
function play() { //=> number | undefined const win = Math.random() <= chance;
// add to the pool pool += 1;
if (win) { // take the winnings from the pool const winnings = pool; pool = 0;
// give to the winner return winnings } else { // return undefined to signify the loss return undefined }}
And then let’s simulate some games and print some stats:
let losses = 0;let wins = 0;let winnings = 0;
for (const i of [...Array(games).keys()]) { const won = play();
if (won) { wins += 1; winnings += 1; } else { losses += 1; }}
console.log(`${wins} wins, ${losses} losses`)console.log(`Net balance: $${winnings - losses}`)
As we’d expect from a lottery with a 10% chance of winnning, we’re not doing so hot after spending $10000 on tickets:
[teo@koolaide crabrave]$ bun run examples/lotto.ts1035 wins, 8965 lossesNet balance: $-7930[teo@koolaide crabrave]$ bun run examples/lotto.ts981 wins, 9019 lossesNet balance: $-8038[teo@koolaide crabrave]$ bun run examples/lotto.ts991 wins, 9009 lossesNet balance: $-8018[teo@koolaide crabrave]$ bun run examples/lotto.ts1004 wins, 8996 lossesNet balance: $-7992[teo@koolaide crabrave]$
Thankfully, the lottery has a program to help people who got in debt because of it. They hire us to make their code more “succinct and readable”.
You have no idea what that means, but they also suggest that you use Option<T>
from the library @oofdere/crabrave
. You oblige, because you have no idea what any of this has to do with succulents and maybe this will give you a clue.
First, you import the Option utilities:
import { Enum, None, Option, Some } from "@oofdere/crabrave";
Then, you update the play()
function to return an Option<T>
function play() {function play(): Enum<Option<number>> { const win = Math.random() <= chance;
pool += 1;
if (win) { const winnings = pool; pool = 0;
return winnings return Some(winnings) } else { return undefined return None() }}
Now we can run simulations like so:
let balance = 0;
for (const i of [...Array(games).keys()]) { balance += match(play(), { Some: (x) => x, //=> None: (x) => -1 //=> })}
console.log(`Net balance: $${balance}`);
Or even more succinctly:
let balance = 0
for (const i of [...Array(games).keys()]) { balance += play().or(-1);}
console.log(`Net balance: $${balance}`);
Options force you to handle the lack of a value
On the surface Option<T>
just looks like a less efficient/more complicated version of T | undefined
. The big difference is that with Option<T>
, you must always handle the None
case, wheras with undefined, you might not even know to expect it.
// types with T | undefined30 // number | undefinedundefined // number | undefined
// values with Option<T>[ "Some", 30 ] // Some(T)[ "None" ] // None
// types after Option<T>.or(-1)30 // number-1 // number
// types after Option<T>.unwrap()30 // number// losing will throw a TypeError when unwrapping.